Volume Máximo Cápsulas Sensibilizante Sexy Fantasy - 3un
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It's time to put your faithful squire at his most powerful!
Maximum Volume helps to stimulate swelling in the penile region, giving the sensation of an increase in the size of the member, increasing self-esteem and providing more vigour and excitement, making the night even hotter and hornier.
What is Maximum Volume for?
Maximum Volume is a Body Oil Capsule that increases a man's sensitivity and arousal and has a vasodilating action that makes the penis feel swollen and stiff.
It contains Damiana extract, which is a sexual stimulant and aphrodisiac, and ginseng extract, which helps to increase potency by providing more vitality during sex.
What benefits does the Sensitising Capsule offer?
- Increases arousal;
- Stimulates male vigour;
- Hot moments;
- Warm sensation.
Technical Data Sheet
-Contains: 03 capsules of 2g each;
-Packaging: Plastic bottle;
-Expiry date: Present on the packaging.
What is the composition of Maximum Volume?
Sexy Fantasy's Maximum Volume is made up of Sunflower Oil, Gelatine 180 Bloom, Water, Glycerin, Sweet Almond Essential Oil, Menthol, Hotact, Methylparaben, BHT, Propylparaben, Brilliant Blue Dye 1.