Get to know its components:
Wellmune is a concentrate of natural beta-glucans extracted from the cell wall of a strain of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) using patented technology.
Beta-glucans are found naturally in foods such as yeast and mushrooms, and are their main healthy components. This nutrient is credited with the good scientific reputation of fungi.
Wellmune is naturally gluten-free.
According to research published by the University of California, more than half of the world's population is deficient in vitamin D and suffers from less effective immunity (2). Studies show that sufficient levels of vitamin D play an important role in immune function(3).
Vitamin D's best-known function is in bone metabolism, as it participates in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus and is essential for strong bones and teeth. However, there is evidence to show that there are vitamin D receptors on different cells in our bodies, including the cells of the immune system.