Cream for Stretch Marks - 150g CicatriSSim
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The cream for stretch marks CicatriSSim helps reduce both white and red stretch marks
CicatriSSim will change your whole concept about cream for stretch marks. It is composed of medicinal plants and has the specific function of treating stretch marks.
Its formula promotes healing, hydration and increased production of collagen in the skin. Thus, it can reduce both the red and purple streaks (recent streaks), as the white streaks (older).
Understanding the composition of CicatriSSim
CicatriSSim is a cream to reduce stretch marks able to promote the regeneration of damaged skin, reducing the appearance of stretch marks. Its formula combines Rose Hip Oil, Aloe Vera, Barbatimão Extract and Glycolic Acid.
Rose Hip Oil
The Rose Hip Oil is extracted from the seeds of the Rose Hip - a wild plant known throughout the world, mainly in the Andes region of Chile, where its largest plantation is located. The oil has an excellent healing function, as it is rich in fatty acids, vitamin A and ketonic compounds. Its cell renewal benefits for the skin are scientifically proven.
Aloe Vera
Popularly known as Aloe Vera, Aloe Vera is also a plant with proven benefits. It is able to promote hydration, nutrition and restoration of the skin, besides presenting antibacterial and healing activity.
It is a tree from the Brazilian Cerrado whose bark has a powerful healing action due to the large amount of tannins. It stimulates the healing of various types of skin lesions.
Glycolic Acid
Glycolic acid for stretch marks is widely used because of its potential to moisturize and, especially, to stimulate the production of collagen in the inner layers of the skin. Unlike most products, in Cicatrissim, this component does not cause irritation or peeling of the skin (the peeling effect), because it does not act as an acid, since the cream has a pH very close to physiological.
CicatriSSim Quality
The stretch mark reducing cream CicatriSSim was tested and approved by ANVISA, which guarantees its effectiveness and safety during use. The analysis was done with women of different ages and certified results such as:
Improvement in 87% the appearance of stretch marks;
77% reduction in the texture of stretch marks
Improved by 68% the stiffness of stretch marks.
In 2017, the cream for stretch marks CicatriSSim was recognized by Juro Valendo, one of the leading beauty blogs in the country.
How the treatment works
CicatriSSim should be applied every day, preferably in the evening. You just need to massage the affected area with a thin layer of the product.
Time to results
The results may vary from person to person, but clinical tests indicate that CicatriSSim already begins to show visible effects from 1 month of treatment for red stretch marks and from 3 months for white stretch marks, which are more difficult to treat.
During the use of CicatriSSim, the ideal is to avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen in the stretch mark area.
In the first week of treatment is recommended to apply small amounts of product on alternate days. If the skin responds well, you can use CicatriSSim 2 times a day, morning and evening.
Can pregnant women use CicatriSSim?
There are no studies on the use of CicatriSSim in pregnancy, therefore, its use during pregnancy is not recommended.
Can CicatriSSim be used during breast-feeding?
There is no contraindication regarding the use during breastfeeding, but we suggest checking with your doctor during this period. After the doctor's permission, the ideal is that the gel begins to be applied before the appearance of stretch marks, as a preventive measure.
You can spread it all over the body, focusing on the belly and breasts. It is good to avoid the areola zone, since it is a sensitive and thin area.
How long does the treatment last?
CicatriSSim 150g tube lasts around 2 to 3 months. This period is sufficient to perceive initial results in any type of stretch mark. You can take advantage of the promotional prices of the combos CicatriSSim 150g with 2 units and CicatriSSim 150g with 4 units.
CicatriSSim as a potentiator of other treatments
In the last few years, several aesthetic treatments for stretch mark reduction have emerged that stimulate the formation of new tissue, along with the production of collagen and elastin. Examples are: subcision, micropuncture, carboxitherapy, fractional laser, pulsed light, among others.
CicatriSSim can also be used to potentiate and accelerate the results of these treatments, since it has powerful healing agents in its formula.
Understand what stretch marks are
Did you know that stretch marks are stretch marks? That's right! They appear when our body undergoes significant growth in a short period of time. At this time, the central layer of the skin, the dermis, needs to be stretched, because it is responsible for bringing elasticity to the tissue. With this "sudden" stretching, the collagen and elastin fibers that make up the dermis end up breaking, which causes visible scars on the outermost layer, the so-called epidermis.
For this reason, stretch marks usually appear, in most cases, during adolescence, when the pubertal growth spurt occurs - from 9 years of age - and pregnancy. But there are several other causes, such as
Muscle mass gain in a short period of time;
Sudden weight gain or loss;
Prolonged use of corticoids for skin treatments.
Obviously, the genetic factor has an influence on all the causes, making some people more susceptible to developing stretch marks than others. Stretch marks can appear in both men and women, regardless of age.
During the use of CicatriSSim, the ideal is to avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen in the stretch mark area.
In the first week of treatment is recommended to apply small amounts of product on alternate days. If the skin responds well, you can use CicatriSSim 2 times a day, morning and evening.
Can pregnant women use CicatriSSim?
There are no studies on the use of CicatriSSim in pregnancy, therefore, its use during pregnancy is not recommended.
Can CicatriSSim be used during breast-feeding?
There is no contraindication regarding the use during breastfeeding, but we suggest checking with your doctor during this period. After the doctor's permission, the ideal is that the gel begins to be applied before the appearance of stretch marks, as a preventive measure.
You can spread it all over the body, focusing on the belly and breasts. It is good to avoid the areola zone, since it is a sensitive and thin area.
How long does the treatment last?
CicatriSSim 150g tube lasts around 2 to 3 months. This period is sufficient to perceive initial results in any type of stretch mark. You can take advantage of the promotional prices of the combos CicatriSSim 150g with 2 units and CicatriSSim 150g with 4 units.
CicatriSSim as a potentiator of other treatments
In the last few years, several aesthetic treatments for stretch mark reduction have emerged that stimulate the formation of new tissue, along with the production of collagen and elastin. Examples are: subcision, micropuncture, carboxitherapy, fractional laser, pulsed light, among others.
CicatriSSim can also be used to potentiate and accelerate the results of these treatments, since it has powerful healing agents in its formula.
Understand what stretch marks are
Did you know that stretch marks are stretch marks? That's right! They appear when our body undergoes significant growth in a short period of time. At this time, the central layer of the skin, the dermis, needs to be stretched, because it is responsible for bringing elasticity to the tissue. With this "sudden" stretching, the collagen and elastin fibers that make up the dermis end up breaking, which causes visible scars on the outermost layer, the so-called epidermis.
For this reason, stretch marks usually appear, in most cases, during adolescence, when the pubertal growth spurt occurs - from 9 years of age - and pregnancy. But there are several other causes, such as
Muscle mass gain in a short period of time;
Sudden weight gain or loss;
Prolonged use of corticoids for skin treatments.
Obviously, the genetic factor has an influence on all the causes, making some people more susceptible to developing stretch marks than others. Stretch marks can appear in both men and women, regardless of age.
Types of stretch marks: which one is yours?
The stretch marks usually present two more common aspects, in red and white colours. Those with a reddish or pink aspect are those more recent and can itch a little, since they are undergoing an inflammatory process. But nothing serious. The whitish ones, on the other hand, are marks caused longer ago. In black skin, they may present a darker tone.
The red stretch marks are easier to treat, since they have a greater flow of blood. But with the advance of technology, today it is also possible to reduce the older, red ones.
There is still another way to classify stretch marks: in atrophic, which are those more superficial - and hypertrophic, which make relief in relation to the skin.
How to prevent the appearance of stretch marks?
For the results of CicatriSSim are even faster and effective, you can follow some easy tips that will also prolong the effects of treatment and are effective in preventing stretch marks:
Drink water
Keeping your skin hydrated can help make it more supple and elastic. And this can be worked on from the inside out. One tip is to drink plenty of water, in addition to eating foods with vitamin C, which facilitate the increase of collagen and elastin of the skin. Some fruits and vegetables rich in this vitamin are: acerola, tomato, chard, strawberry, kiwi, among others.
By strengthening your muscles, you also help to make your skin firmer, reducing the risk of rupture of the dermis fibres.
Watch your weight
If you are in the process of losing or gaining weight, keep an eye on it to prevent it from happening abruptly. Therefore, it is always good to have the advice of a professional and try to maintain a healthy and conscious diet, without exaggeration.
If you still have any doubts, the ideal is to see a dermatologist.