How to make the hair transition?

How to make the hair transition?

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There are several ways to get through this period.

Choose the best one for you! Here are some options:

Big Chop
One of the ways to start your hair transition is through the big chop. This is when you choose to cut off the chemically straightened parts of your hair in one go. But despite being the most famous - and quickest - method of eliminating the straight part of the hair, this option is not compulsory. On the contrary, getting a big chop should be a well thought-out decision.

After all, it's only when you're completely ready and sure of yourself that you should give up your hair and go short.

Cut your hair periodically and try texturizing it

Another way to get through the hair transition is to cut your hair little by little, eliminating the straightened part without haste. Here, the tip is to rely on good texturizing techniques. They will even out and disguise the appearance of the two textures, the natural and the straightened.

Among the most common texturizing methods, we can highlight the structured curl, the dedoliss, the twist, the buns, the whiskers, among others.


Box Braids

Another way to get through the hair transition in style is by opting for charming box braids. For both men and women, the braiding technique is always a great option to change your look while your natural hair is growing out.

If you want, you can cut off the part of the hair that has been chemically treated and braid the natural strands with synthetic fibers (jumbo, kanekalon or wool) if you don't want to face short hair. This technique lasts an average of three months and helps the hair grow without damaging it too much.


Source: Salon line Web site

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